We are located in the beautiful sector Nalhuitad S / N, Sector Castro, Chonchi, Chiloé.


After you leave Castro, you will see the palafitos, keep on driving Route 5 towards Quellón.

After 6 kms (3 miles) you will find a sign with the km:  km 1192. Continue  Route 5.

Next you will find a sign that names the bridge: Pte. Llicaldad. Continue same Route 5.

Next you will find a sign Quellón 80, km 1193.

Only 900 mts (285 ft.) you will find the road sign Quellón (Route 5) towards, Nalhuitad (w590) to the right. Take this first turning to Nalhuitad.

600 meters (2000ft) you will find a sign “El Quinto” to the right. Take it. 50 meters more, you arrived  to “El Quinto”